Pokemon crystal dust clear rom
Pokemon crystal dust clear rom

The user can choose whether each Base Stat is averaged or whether only the base stat patterns are averaged, keeping the BST (base stat total) of the base Pokemon unchanged. Pokemon such as Raichu, Arcanine or Starmie that could only learn a subset of moves compared to their pre-evolutions have had their movesets updated to match the moves learnable by their pre-evolutions, although with a small level delay similar to the patterns found in other evolved Pokemon. Trainers no longer may have custom movesets. For example, a level 30 "Gyarasect", will show up with Bite, Dragon Rage, Spore and Leer. When the moveset of a wild or trainer Pokemon is filled, it will end up with the last four moves that the two original Pokemon could learn by that level. Moreover, level-up moves are arranged by level. For example, if Cyndaquil gets fused with Gastly, it will learn Ember at level 12 and Mean Look at level 13, and will be able to learn both Fire Blast and Shadow Ball via TM. Learnsets are combined, including level-up, egg, and TM/HM moves. If they were Water=10, Flying=9, and Electric=9, the fusion would be Water/Flying, just like if all three types had the same priority value. If the priorities were Water=10, Flying=8, and Electric=9, the fusion would be Water/Electric. If Electric's priority was 8 instead, the resulting Pokemon would be Flying/Electric. If Water type's priority is 7, Flying type's priority is 8, and Electric type's priority is 9, the resulting Pokemon will be Electric/Flying. If both types have the same priority, the primary type will be the one that was taken from the base Pokemon and the secondary type will be the one coming from the secondary Pokemon, unless the base Pokemon passed its secondary type and the secondary Pokemon passed its primary type.Ĭonsider for example a Gyarados (base Pokemon) + Lanturn (secondary Pokemon) fusion.

pokemon crystal dust clear rom

If the resulting Pokemon is dual-type, its primary type will be the one with the higher score of the two, and its secondary type will be the one with the lower (second-highest) score. If both Pokemon are of the same single type, the resulting Pokemon will also be of only that type. If both types have the same priority, the primary type will be chosen. If either Pokemon is dual-type, the type chosen from it will be scored according to the custom type priorities (the type with the higher priority of the two will be chosen). The resulting Pokemon will have a type taken from the base Pokemon and a type taken from the secondary Pokemon whenever possible. If either Pokemon evolves through other method (happiness, stone), the evolution type of the base Pokemon will be tranferred to the resulting Pokemon unchanged. Refer to the Settings section for more information. If the "Average Base Stat patterns only" setting is selected, however, the base Pokemon's evolution level will weigh 80% of the total. If two Pokemon with level-based evolutions are fused, the resulting Pokemon will evolve at the average of the two. If selected by the user, happiness evolutions will also be replaced with reasonable level-based evolutions. Trade evolutions have been replaced with reasonable level-based evolutions. Note that the independent Pokemon will most likely be unobtainable due to not appearing as a wild Pokemon. For example, if the userĬhooses Politoed to be the evolution of Poliwhirl, Poliwrath will be independent and will be merged with another independent Pokemon Which Pokemon retains its evolutionary line is selectable.

pokemon crystal dust clear rom

Evolution categories can be further filtered before the randomization, for example to make Legendary Pokemon independent from other 1/1 evolution Pokemon.īranched evolutions have been removed. Is merged with Slugma, then Venomoth will be merged with Magcargo. The combinations will be consistent across an evolutionary line say Venonat For example, Charmander mightīe fused with Mareep, but not with Ekans. Pokemon will only be merged with another Pokemon of the same evolution category. Suffix so that the names are properly merged and the secondary Pokemon can be easily identified.

pokemon crystal dust clear rom pokemon crystal dust clear rom

Each Pokemon has been assigned a prefix and a Pokemon can be identified by its palette and second half of its name. The base Pokemon retains the Pokedex number, sprite, cry, and first half of the name, while the secondary Pokemon such as moves and base stats are combined in different ways, as described below. It fuses each Pokemon with anotherĮxisting one at random with matching evolution stage. This is a special randomizer tool compatible with Pokemon Crystal.

Pokemon crystal dust clear rom